
M3gan is a 2023 American supernatural horror film directed by Gerard Johnstone and written by Akela Cooper. The film stars Allison Williams, Violet McGraw, and Ron Livingston. The film follows a brilliant roboticist who creates a lifelike doll programmed to be a...

Prey for the Devil

Jacqueline Byers stars as Sister Ann in 2022's latest demonic horror movie, Prey for the Devil. This movie was written by Robert Zappia, who's known for Halloween H20: 20 Years Later and Five Days to Midnight, and directed by Daniel Stamm, the director of The Last...

Halloween Ends, Again?

Halloween is a popular holiday celebrated annually around the world. For many, it's a time to dress up in costumes, attend parties, and enjoy Halloween-themed activities. But for some, Halloween is a reminder of a dark past. Halloween Ends is a 2022 horror movie...


If you're looking for a horror movie that will leave a smile on your face, then Parker Finn's Smile is the horror movie you need to watch. Smile is a 2022 newly released horror film about a supernatural entity that makes its victims smile. It is fun to watch and will...

Resident Evil – Afterlife

In a world ravaged by a virus infection, turning its victims into the Undead, Alice, continues on her journey to find survivors and lead them to safety. Her deadly battle with the Umbrella Corporation reaches new heights, but Alice gets some unexpected help from an old friend. A new lead that promises a safe haven from the Undead takes them to Los Angeles, but when they arrive the city is overrun by thousands of Undead – and Alice and her comrades are about to step into a deadly trap.



M3gan is a 2023 American supernatural horror film directed by Gerard Johnstone and written by Akela Cooper. The film stars Allison Williams, Violet McGraw, and Ron Livingston. The film follows a brilliant roboticist who creates a lifelike doll programmed to be a...

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Prey for the Devil

Prey for the Devil

Jacqueline Byers stars as Sister Ann in 2022's latest demonic horror movie, Prey for the Devil. This movie was written by Robert Zappia, who's known for Halloween H20: 20 Years Later and Five Days to Midnight, and directed by Daniel Stamm, the director of The Last...

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Halloween Ends, Again?

Halloween Ends, Again?

Halloween is a popular holiday celebrated annually around the world. For many, it's a time to dress up in costumes, attend parties, and enjoy Halloween-themed activities. But for some, Halloween is a reminder of a dark past. Halloween Ends is a 2022 horror movie...

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If you're looking for a horror movie that will leave a smile on your face, then Parker Finn's Smile is the horror movie you need to watch. Smile is a 2022 newly released horror film about a supernatural entity that makes its victims smile. It is fun to watch and will...

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Resident Evil – Afterlife

Resident Evil – Afterlife

In a world ravaged by a virus infection, turning its victims into the Undead, Alice, continues on her journey to find survivors and lead them to safety. Her deadly battle with the Umbrella Corporation reaches new heights, but Alice gets some unexpected help from an old friend. A new lead that promises a safe haven from the Undead takes them to Los Angeles, but when they arrive the city is overrun by thousands of Undead – and Alice and her comrades are about to step into a deadly trap.

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Return of the Living Dead – Rave to the Grave

Return of the Living Dead – Rave to the Grave

Synopsis: Taking the Living Dead franchise another step further, this campy sequel finds the survivors of the Necropolis reviving bad habits and snooping around Uncle Charles’s experiments. When they uncover a container filled with a substance called Trioxyn-5, they...

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Halloween is a popular holiday celebrated annually around the world. For many, it's a time to dress up in costumes, attend parties, and enjoy Halloween-themed activities. But for some, Halloween is a reminder of a dark past. Halloween Ends is a 2022 horror movie...

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Survival of the Dead

Survival of the Dead

Synopsis:On an island off the coast of North America, local residents simultaneously fight a zombie epidemic while hoping for a cure to return their un-dead relatives back to their human state. The master George A. Romero returns with a new entry in the greatest...

Dance of The Dead

Dance of The Dead

Jacqueline Byers stars as Sister Ann in 2022's latest demonic horror movie, Prey for the Devil. This movie was written by Robert Zappia, who's known for Halloween H20: 20 Years Later and Five Days to Midnight, and directed by Daniel Stamm, the director of The Last...

Night of the Living Dead – Free download

Are there any two words in the English language that make a better combo than "Public Domain"? Maybe "nunchuck swords" or "free money" but one has an anglicized Japanese word in it and the other is a myth. What isn't a myth is George A. Romero's single greatest...

Zombie Movie Review: Zombieland

In the horror comedy Zombieland focuses on two men who have found a way to survive a world overrun by zombies. Columbus is a big wuss -- but when you're afraid of being eaten by zombies, fear can keep you alive. Tallahassee is an AK-toting, zombie-slaying' bad ass...

Zombie Movie Review: Boy Eats Girl

Resurrected by his mother after a tragic accident, 17-year-old Nathan (David Leon) awakens with a taste for human flesh. Next thing you know, a run-in with a school bully (Mark Huberman) sets off events that spread Nathan's "condition" all over town. Meanwhile, the...

Zombie Movie Review: American Zombie

Part mockumentary, part unabashed gore-fest, American Zombie follows filmmakers Grace Lee and John Solomon -- both playing themselves -- as they infiltrate a Los Angeles zombie community in an effort to document the undead...

Zombie Movie Review: Days of Darkness

When a comet strikes Earth and kicks up a cloud of toxic dust, hundreds of humans join the ranks of the living dead. But there's bad news for the survivors: The newly minted zombies are hell-bent on eradicating every last person from the planet. For the few human...

Zombie Movie Review: DOOMED

On television's new reality series, "Survival Island 2020," contestants deposited on a remote isle -- who happen to be felons facing long stretches in stir -- compete for a $50 million jackpot and their freedom. But little do they know that they must first battle the...

Zombie Movie Review: Dead Moon Rising

When a disease transforms most earthlings into flesh-scarfing zombies, it's all news to Jim and his colleagues at Cheapskate Car Rental, who don't realize the threat until it falls on their Louisville, Ky., doorstep. While dealing with his crazy ex-girlfriend and...

Zombie Movie Review: Zombie (Zombi 2)

After a New York harbor patrolman is murdered at the hands of a flesh-hungry ghoul aboard an abandoned yacht, Anne -- the daughter of the ship's missing owner -- teams with a newspaper reporter for a private investigation. Clues eventually lead them to a Caribbean...

Zombie Movie Review: Flight of the Living Dead

During a transatlanic flight, a corpse emerges from the cargo hold and lays waste to the passengers, turning them into zombies. A handful of travelers try to stop the ghoulish horde, but how do you fight the undead at 30,000 feet above the ocean? The living passengers...

Zombie Movie Review: Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead

What happens when a fast-food chicken franchise is built on a sacred Native American burial site rife with restless spirits? Zombie chickens! Now it's up to high school grad Arbie to find a way to destroy the featherless fiends. Or will the fowl beasts turn the hungry...

Zombie Movie Review: Zombies Zombies Zombies

When an unorthodox drug experiment conducted by a mad scientist transforms the residents of a small town into flesh-eating zombies, a motley crew of exotic dancers, pimps, hookers and johns are forced to take refuge inside a seedy strip club. Director: Jason Murphy...

Zombie Movie Review: Masters of Horror: Dance of the Dead

Teen waitress Peggy (Jessica Lowndes) rebels against her overprotective mom by joining a group of punk patrons for a night at the Doom Room, where the entertainment is provided by an eclectic troupe of reanimated corpses. But Peggy gets an otherworldly shock when one...